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Silman's Complete Endgame Course : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

A large collection of books on chess: the endgame. All books can be downloaded for free How To Play Chess Endgames. Download and Read online How To Play Chess Endgames ebooks in PDF, epub, Tuebl Mobi, Kindle Book. Get Free How To Play Chess Endgames Textbook and unlimited access to our library by created an account. Fast Download speed and ads Free! THE ULTIMATE CHESS PUZZLE BOOK Chapter 9 contains 80 endgame puzzles, with once again a difficulty range of level Chapter 1 1 has been the most difficult chapter to produce and will also be the most difficult to solve

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Chess endgame puzzles pdf free download

Download and Read online How To Play Chess Endgames ebooks in PDF, epub, Tuebl Mobi, Kindle Book. Get Free How To Play Chess Endgames Textbook and unlimited access to our library by created an account. Fast Download speed and ads Free! In this companion volume to Fundamental Chess Endings, Müller and Pajeken focus on the practical side of playing endgames. They cover all aspects of strategic endgames, with particular emphasis on thinking methods, and ways to create difficulties for opponents over the board.

Using hundreds of outstanding examples from modern practice, the authors explain not only how to conduct 'classical' endgame tasks, such as exploiting an extra pawn or more active pieces, but also how to handle the extremely unbalanced endings that often arise from the dynamic openings favoured nowadays.

All varieties of endgames are covered, and there are more than exercises for the reader, together with full solutions. This is a reprint of the classic work Basic Chess Endings by Reuben Fine, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download in Although there are claims it has been superseded by chess endgame puzzles pdf free download books, Basic Chess Endings by Fine remains the only book that covers all of the most basic chess endings and yet is in small size so chess endgame puzzles pdf free download can be carried around in your pocket.

The other books just show some endgames, not every endgame. Grandmaster Fine was one of the strongest chess players in the world and would likely have become world champion but he gave up tournament play to become a writer of textbooks on psychology, in addition to books on chess. A major advantage to Fine's book is his writing ability, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download. Fine was a professional writer. He did not make his living as a chess player, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download.

This book is in old style descriptive notation. Some especially younger readers will prefer the more modern Algebraic System. The practical chess player is not interested in knowing that there is a computer somewhere that will show the solution for his position. Rather, he wants to learn how to find the best moves himself so as to defeat his human opponent.

The most important endgames to study and learn are King and Pawn Endgames and Rook and Pawn Endgames. Knowing rook and pawn endgames is like having money in a savings account, as they come up all the time.

Be sure to take time and learn all the rook and pawn against rook endgames. Paul Keres was an Estonian chess grandmaster and chess writer. He was among the world's top players from the mids to the mids and runner-up in the Candidates' Tournament on four consecutive occasions.

Fine teacher analyzes each piece individually; many common endgame situations. Examines games by Steinitz, Alekhine, Lasker, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download, others. Your knowledge never goes out of date! The bad news is that, all the same, the endgame technique of most players is deficient.

Modern time-controls make matters worse: there is simply not enough time to delve deep into the position. Jesus de la Vila debunks the myth that endgame theory is complex and he teaches you to steer the game into a position you are familiar with.

Most chess games are decided in the endgame. It is here where you reap the reward for your good play, or else use all your cunning to deny the opponent victory. Knowing just a few key endgame techniques will dramatically increase your confidence, as you will understand what positions to aim for and which to avoid.

Starting with the basic mates and the simplest pawn endings, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download, this book provides all the endgame knowledge that players need to take them through to club level and beyond. Muller carefully guides us step-by-step through a fascinating range of endgame tactics and manoeuvres, helping us understand the underlying logic. Throughout the book, many cunning endgame tricks are highlighted. You will have fun springing them on friends, family - or your opponents in serious tournaments.

Chess Endgames for Kids makes learning chess endgames fun. But it is also a serious endgame course written by a leading endgame expert, and provides a firm basis for vital skills that will develop throughout your chess career.

German grandmaster Karsten Muller is arguably the world's foremost writer on chess endgames. Whenever an interesting endgame occurs in a high-level game, the chess world knows that it will soon be dissected and explained by Muller. Whether writing for a low-level or high-level audience, his infectious zeal for the endgame shines through, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download. His 'masterwork', Fundamental Chess Endings co-authored with Frank Lamprecht, and also published by Gambit is a modern endgame 'bible' and was studied intensively in his youth by current World Champion Magnus Carlsen.

Be Decisive When it Counts Most The endgame is arguably the most important phase of every chess game. It is the decisive point of the opposition between two fighting minds and consequently, one must be prepared before reaching it.

The goal of every chess game is the same: to deliver checkmate. Doing so requires much more than playing well in the opening and middlegame. It requires understanding of endgame fundamentals, knowledge of common checkmate patterns, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download, and more, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download. For centuries, chess experts have studied chess endgames and developed sound and effective theory around the topic. Prepare Yourself for Every Battle This book contains the theoretical content you will need to develop a basic understanding of chess endgame fundamentals.

You will know exactly what moves to look for at each turn, and what moves to avoid to improve your position and give yourself a decisive advantage. Lastly, you will familiarize yourself with some of the most common checkmate patterns and thus learn to quickly deliver checkmate in various endgame scenarios. As a result, your game will improve and you will begin to win more games. So don't hesitate. If you want to learn to deliver checkmate, now is the time.

Just scroll up and grab your copy now! One of the world's foremost chess writers provides everything you need to know about chess endgames!

Assuming no specialized endgame knowledge, John Nunn presents key endgame concepts, and explains how they are used to win games or save difficult positions. He covers all the main types of endgames and typical thinking methods, and so equips readers with all the skills needed to excel in this vital phase of the game up to good club level and beyond. The endgame is the stage of the game where precision is most important, and where errors chess endgame puzzles pdf free download punished most drastically.

It is also deceptive: many endgame positions look too simple to require prior knowledge, but yet contain fiendish concealed pitfalls that can reverse the result of the game on the spot.

Some key positions simply have to be memorized, as they can hardly be worked out at the board, especially when playing with today's faster time-controls. In such perilous terrain, an expert guide is necessary. John Nunn could not be better qualified: he is a battle-hardened grandmaster of top-level over-the-board chess and a solving world champion.

From his wealth of endgame expertise, he has distilled a course of fundamental knowledge that is highly targeted on practical success for all levels of players. Reviewers praised its clarity and completeness and thousands of players dramatically improved their endgame understanding and their results!

De la Villa then made an important discovery: most of the errors his students made are being made by others as well, even by strong and sometimes famous chess players!

De la Villa started collecting training material and selected those exercises best suited to retain and improve your knowledge and avoid chess endgame puzzles pdf free download errors.

In this book the Spanish grandmaster presents hundreds of exercises grouped according to the various chapters in Endgames. Solving these puzzles will drive home the most important ideas, refresh your knowledge and improve your technique. This book contains a massive amount of clear, concise and easy-to-follow chess endgame instruction. The advice De la Villa gives in the solutions is practical and useful.

Ideal for every post-beginner, club player and candidate master who wishes to win more games. This is a major event in chess publishing, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download.

Two German endgame experts have produced a masterful one-volume encyclopedia which covers all major endgames. This, the first truly modern single-volume endgame encyclopedia, supersedes all previous works of this type by being far more accurate and readable. This is no dry reference work; throughout the work, the authors emphasize the practical elements of endgame play: principles, rules of thumb and thinking methods.

They also provide a feast of detailed analysis for those looking to study the endgame in depth. Unlike previous books of this type the most recent of which is now eight years oldFundamental Chess Endings makes full use of endgame tablebases and the analytical engines that access these tablebases.

As a result, where previous authors could only make educated guesses, in this book, the authors can often state the definitive truth, or get much closer to it. Throughout, the emphasis is on the general principles that can be extracted from detailed theory, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download Fundamental Chess Endings both an ideal endgame reference work and a book that can profitably and enjoyably read from start to finish. With new time controls meaning that competitive games are played to a finish, chess endgame puzzles pdf free download, it has become especially important that chess-players understand the main endgame principles.

Fundamental Chess Endings sets the mark for which all others will aim. All the Everyman Chess books are organized in a structured style and are also presented in a series of levels.

The styles encompass Openings O ; Games Collections G ; and Training T. The levels are arranged as follows: Children C]; Novice N ; Club C ; and Advanced A. at long last we have it. A new type of endgame book.

A book which explains how to handle those positions that frequently occur in practical play but, curiously, are hardly ever the subject of theoretical works. Most endgame books rely upon recycling established theory on basic positions, or concentrate on fantastical studies.

This one is different. Well known Grandmaster and endgame expert Glenn Flear examines in depth all endgames which feature either two pieces for each side, or two pieces against one.

Why is this an important subject? Because these situations arise surprisingly frequently in practical play. That means that if you open with 1 e4, you are more likely to reach one of these endgames than you are to face the French Defence. If you can handle such endgames well, your results will inevitably improve. This book will show you how. Analyzes a variety of endgames, discusses strategy, and looks at confrontations between unlike pieces. New and substantially expanded edition of a modern chess classic.

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Endgame Chess Puzzle by Bernhard Horwitz #14

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Chess endgame puzzles pdf free download

chess endgame puzzles pdf free download

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